The Northeastern University Systems Security Lab

We research tools and techniques for making the Internet a safer place.
And, sometimes, we even discover new attacks.

News and Press

19 August 2024

Changming and Alejandro attended USENIX Sec for the lab.

16 May 2024

Congratulations to Changming for the acceptance of his USENIX Sec paper!

19 April 2024

Cem presented a paper at this year's NDSS. We will also be presenting some of work at USENIX Security this summer.


Our lab has a focus on practical security research, and we are active in a number of areas spanning systems and network security. Some of our particular research interests include mobile security, web security, security applications of program analysis, botnets, and malware. In general, we are interested in all practical security problems.


We publish in a number of venues, including IEEE Security and Privacy (Oakland), ACM CCS, USENIX Security, and NDSS. For a full list of our publications, see our publications list.